It's Time to Form the People's Councils and Empower the Streets

Angelinos protest the death of George Floyd. Photo by Quran Shaheed, courtesy L.A. Sentinel By Alci Rengifo “Now is the time of the furnaces, and only the light can be seen”-- Jose Martí The death of George Floyd in Minnesota as the result of nine asphyxiating minutes underneath the knee of a police officer has again lit the spark of popular rage across the imperial United States. From east to west the republic has seen in city after city the bonfires of tensions stemming not only from the country’s violent and complex racial history, but its class divisions as well. Inevitably Los Angeles has seen its streets swell with the justly angered. More than any other great American city, the greater L.A. metropolitan area is a microcosm of the social forces that have shaped this country and are in constant clash. Its wealth and poverty, its cosmopolitan character, its mixture of U.S. gringo culture and scores of municipalities as well as countless streets bearing Spanish name...