Obituary: Vanessa Noemí Rodríguez (Feb. 13, 1978 - Dec. 11, 2019)

Vanessa Noemí Rodríguez, February 13, 1978 - December 11, 2019 Family members, loved ones, friends and acquaintances whose lives had been touched, graced and enriched for having known her are saddened to announce that Vanessa Noemí Rodríguez transitioned to the great hereafter on Dec. 11th, 2019. A beloved daughter, mother, grandmother, sister, partner, aunt, godmother, niece, cousin, and friend, she passed during the early afternoon while surrounded by her loving family, relatives and friends. They are understandably grief-stricken by her untimely passing. Welcomed as a blessing and a gift from the creator by parents Sandra Aguirre and Jaime Rodríguez, Vanessa was born on February 13th, 1978. Over time, a substantial number of others would grow to regard her with similar gratitude and affection. It goes without saying that all will mourn her departure deeply. An extraordinarily compassionate human being from childhood on, she readily opened her home to anyone in need, at...