Aguilera Authors Second Blockbuster Boxing History

Book Review by Abel M. Salas In a brilliant follow up to his break-out bestseller, Mexican American Boxing in Los Angeles , writer, historian and genuine L.A. boxing raconteur Gene Aguilera is back with a new blockbuster book, Latino Boxing in Southern California . A community bank vice-president by day, Aguilera has pursued one of his life’s greatest passions— boxing as a both a competitive and commercial sport—with an intensity and zeal more akin to that of a single-minded, indefatigable scholar than that of even the most fervent aficionado or enthusiast. Given his intimate familiarity with boxing history and his vast reservoir of knowledge and understanding vis- à -vis the sport he has been enamored with since childhood, it was really only a matter of time before Aguilera provided us with a fascinating new window into the world of championship boxing and its untold histories. His first book, Mexican American Boxing in Los Angeles (Arcadia Publishing, 2014) is arguably t...