
Showing posts from February, 2015

César Chávez & International Women's Month!!!

​ HELP US CELEBRATE THE LEGACY OF CÉSAR CHÁVEZ AND SALUTE THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF WOMEN DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH This year, March once again brings us several unforgtettable dates to remember. More than the annual celebration of San Patricio and the Irish American heritage it usually represents, March is also the month we recognize and honor the contributions of women to the world throughout history beginning with International Women's Day on March 8th. An then on Tuesday, March 31st, the nation celebrates the legacy of United Farm Worker champion César E. Chávez, a lion in the struggle for labor rights, social justice and human dignity. ​ As such, it is only fitting that our cover feature a Latina leader from East Los Angeles who was inspired to pursue public service by the United Farm Worker struggle and the Chicana/o Civil Rights Movement. The newly elected Los Angeles County Supervisor for District 1, Hilda L. Solis has returned to represent the Greater East Side after her sojour...

Manifesto de las Mil Monarcas

By Susana Sandoval Temazcal of the full moon Where the multitudes of migrant souls lay dead In the vortex of winter Where dead children walking Another life Un baile trágico en el vacío del bordo Una mariposa enjaulada Quien es la flama y quien Es la moth? Una campana infinita de cada mundo reciclado En el nombre del pueblo Hay un suspiro de libertad Hay un albergue en una tierra triste Que lindo pais tan cercana y Tan Lejos del la frontera de cristal Adonde Angeles terrestres se convertien en oficinas de nidos amorosos Transformacion of mystery Ni madre ni víctima más 43 sobrevivientes en la guerra espiritual Desconocidos en la liberación En común Energía clandestina Un bautizo del caudel Una Iglesia universal Transcendental La persistencia de memoria Una américa que amo A definition of a jubilant tragedy Standing on the shoulders of giants Dos gigantes Dos realidades opuestas desterrerando la fuerza Demarcando la democracia And the liberty of al...

10 Things East LA-ers Say

by Roberto E. Leni When in EastLos, notice how even language moves with a rhythm and a cause. Reason why we say “Gentefication” (hen-te-fi-kay-shun), noun. To mean, “People-centered development,” and not, “gentrification.” And we say this because our abuelitas have always told us, “Gente before profits.” The Viejitos dancing in the plaza to a corrido, a cumbia or a danzón, say “romántico,” while looking into their partner’s eyes, a lot. The Paleteros, sounding their bells on their carts, yell, “De fresa, de piña, de mango, horchata, y dulce de leche también.” Doña Flor, selling her tacos, calls out, “Tacos, tacos. Cómodos pal’ bolsillo y buenos pal’ corazón.” But she then also translates for the taco-buying monolingual Pochos strolling down the streets, at low riders’ speed, “Heels, heels. Easy on your feet, and good for your corazón.” Reason why Pochos and Pochas in EastLos say, “Que rico!” often. Down the street and on the other corner Doña Ramona s...