Brooklyn & Boyle Celebrates of Latino Heritage

Brooklyn & Boyle is very pleased to feature pioneer artist Roberto Chavez, a historic figure in the development of Chicano Art in our upcoming Latino Heritage Month edition. Chavez, the Chicano art instructor at East LA College will be the subject of a one-man retrospective at ELAC's prestigious Vincent Price Art Museum, a marvelous new addition to the campus where Chavez taught scores of younger artists who are now household names, among them Gilbert "Magu" Luján.

We are literally only two weeks away from publishing what promises to be a riveting issue that will also include an article on muralismo in Highland Park and a history of the International Institute of Los Angeles, an organization that has provided services, assistance and advocacy to immigrants for one hundred years, among other stories that cover the vital communities that comprise the Greater East Side.

As a friend, reader or simple supporter, you can help us celebration Latinio Heritage month with advertisement that features your message to the large community of Latinos who look to Brooklyn & Boyle for great writing, art and community cultural coverage, as well as poignant pieces on the issues and concerns many of our community stakeholders need addressed for broader dialogue and understanding.

Thank you, once again, for helping us as we move forward into our fourth year.

Abel Salas
Brooklyn & Boyle


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